Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dancin' to Some Chin Music

'Bertie, wait - he's just an old man with a cane!' 'Old man with a cane, Timmy? Or hidden assassin of the Illuminati? Let's ask Mr. THROAT PUNCH!' 'He's... he's not moving, Bertie.' 'He's hibernating - bears do that all the time.' 'Bear? I though he was a-' 'Look, do I need an excuse to assault senior citizens? Now help me with his pants.'


Anonymous said...

Damn you, old man! How many times do I have to tell you that you are not a firefighter, and -- no matter how high the flames appear to go -- we don't piss in the barbecue!

Anonymous said...

The politicians often opened themselves to satire and ridicule. But thankfully now the public would be spared having to witness it...

Anonymous said...

Here's your 'Fairness Doctrine' Mister Com-simp!

Anonymous said...

Fig 1. Do not encourage road rage by crowding around a potential violent encounter between two drivers/ pedestrians by cheering the words "FIGHT! FIGHT FIGHT!"
Instead watch in pity and fear as the inevitable happens in which the younger more hearty man socks the geriatric pedestrian for causing engine damge to his car with his cane. This is called "asphalt tragedy"

Col Wilson said...

Of course back in the old days the automobile association not only did roadside repairs, but they also sent someone to tickle you under the chin and say: "Who's a lovely driver then? Who's a lovely driver then?"

Anonymous said...

Toyota's new bi-fuelled vehicle was proving tempramental. You only got 50 miles per "Owd Codger" and they were beginning to fight back. Besides, they smoked like the very devil.

Anonymous said...

"You dipstick" laughed Pa. He loved this old joke but Constable Gerry didn't see it the funny side.

Anonymous said...

And the spirit of the old man was leaving his body before he even hit the ground.

"There that's for Auschwitz Fritz!!"

"But Dad he wasn't even German"

"Eh??......Well that's steroid abuse for you son."

Anonymous said...

From the League of Perfectly Ordinary Pedestrians, issue #23:

To Little Timmy’s astonishment, both heroes, Hatman and Citizen Cane – weakened as they already were by the deadly quantities of C02 and other noxious gasses in the atmosphere – were quickly overwhelmed by the sinister, fossil-fuel-consuming Dr Automobilist.
When all hope seemed lost, though, Pizza Delivery Boy appeared out of nowhere, coming to their rescue wielding a steaming hot Vesuvio. Whatever good that would do…

Apathy Jack said...

I would so read that comic.

vincenzo said...

And what is the first rule of Fight Club Timmy?

Ummmm, rape your opponent when you win?

No, Timmy! We don't talk about Fight Club. Shit while I am at it, take off your pants Timmy.

Unknown said...

The Red Revolution did not go as well for Lenin as he wished.